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Therapy for Anxiety

The modern world makes it hard to put our worries to rest. But when constant worry interferes with your ability to experience joy and function in life, it is a sign that your anxiety has become disordered. Panic attacks, doom spiraling, and unease in social settings do not have to define your daily life. 


Unmanaged anxiety can drastically reduce our quality of life. Common symptoms include:

Constant worry - You feel consumed by worries about the future, what might happen, or past interactions and experiences. The worry is intrusive and will not go away.

Racing thoughts - An inability to quiet your mind, leading to difficulty focusing, motivation, and being frozen with overwhelm.

Restlessness - Feeling on edge or unable to relax, even when there are no immediate problems. Anxiety may make it hard to fall or stay asleep.

Panic attacks - Sudden bursts of intense fear or terror that include shortness of breath, chest pain, or dizziness.

Aches and pains - Anxiety manifests in the body as muscle tension, jaw pain, headaches, stomach problems, or fatigue without a clear medical cause 


​Avoiding life - Steering clear of situations or people that trigger anxiety, limiting your potential, connections, and success

It is possible to tame your anxiety and experience inner calm again. Please get in touch to discuss your needs and what to expect in treatment.

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