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Trauma Therapy

Do you find yourself feeling on edge, panicked, or overwhelmed with intense emotion -- sometimes without a clear reason why? This is a common experience among those who have experienced trauma. Trauma is caused by disturbing experiences that stay with us long after they've happened. It can cause ongoing emotional symptoms - sometimes without our full awareness. Trauma often includes experiences of abuse, neglect, and loss.

When we are traumatized in settings that should feel safe (for example with our families, partner, or at church) it can wreck havoc on our ability to feel at peace inside.

Symptoms of trauma can make life feel overwhelming. 

Hyperarousal - A heightened state of alertness that causes us to feel "on edge", easily startled, and stuck in cycles of worry.

Avoidance - Steering clear of people, places, or situations that overwhelming.

Intrusive thoughts - Unwanted, distressing memories, flashbacks, or nightmares related to the painful event.

Emotional numbing - Feeling empty and disconnected from our inner joy and peace. Substances and behaviors may aid in our efforts to escape emotional pain.

Difficulty trusting - Second guessing those around us and doubting their actions or words, making it hard to form close relationships.

It is possible to heal from trauma and regain your sense of calm in life. Please get in touch to discuss your needs and what to expect in treatment.

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